Monday, January 16, 2012

With 12 weeks to go....

I figured it was time to start sewing for Millie's arrival.  I've already made her several crocheted items...a couple hats, some booties, and a blanket.

I've had the flannel chosen for awhile.  I've had her towel material ready too.  I just had to sit down and do it!

Tonight, I had that opportunity!

Here is her hooded towel....the rest of her siblings have one, so she needed one too!

Here are two double-sided flannel blankets.  I can't wait to swaddle her up in them!


  1. Those are so sweet! You are very on the ball :)
    Do you have a pattern for the towel? Also, do you use the sleeping flannel fabric for your blankets?

  2. I made up the towel pattern myself.

    I'm not sure if the flannel is sleeping flannel or not...I just pulled what I wanted from my fabric stash!

    I've made her some more things that I need to post pictures of too!
