Thursday, May 31, 2012

The busyness of life as a mom of 7!

I wake up every morning and can't believe that I am the mother of 7!

Millie has fit into our life perfectly and is definitely no wallflower.  She certainly won't let you forget that she is a very present bundle in our lives!  

I have to say, she is the MOST needy baby I have ever had.  It takes a little more juggling to get things done around the house, to keep everyone happy, and to keep everyone's bellies full...and with all my boys, seeming to be going through a growth spurt, that is no easy feat! Miss Millie loves her mommy and loves to be held.  She is the first of all her siblings who has wanted to be held 24/7.  That made getting things done a bit crazy at times, but I do have lots of little helpers, and they have stepped up to help me so much!

I am embracing the life that God has been so gracious to give to me...even with the ups and downs.  

Here are some recent pictures of our lives over the past several weeks:

Life is good. I am blessed.

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