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“Discernment is not simply a matter of telling the difference between what is right and wrong; rather it is the difference between right and almost right.”
"Long before time began or space was created, God had written upon His heart the names of His elect people, had predestinated them to be conformed unto the image of His Son, and ordained them heirs of all the fullness of His love, His grace, and His glory. What comfort is here! Having loved us for so long, will the Lord then reject us? He knew how stiff-necked we would be, He understood that our hearts were evil, and yet He made the choice.
Our Savior is no fickle lover. He does not feel enchanted for awhile with some gleams of beauty from His Church's eye and then afterwards reject her because of her unfaithfulness. No, He married her in old eternity; and He hates divorce! The eternal choice is a bond upon our gratitude and upon His faithfulness, which neither can disown."
It was a cold winter night. Jack was sitting in front of the fire carefully lining up the pieces from his gun cleaning kit. He had cleaned his guns before, but tonight was different; tonight the cleaning had a dual purpose. One purpose was to see that his weapons were all in working order; the other was to scare the living daylights out of the sixteen-year-old young man who was scheduled to arrive at his door in the next half hour.
Jack was a tall, athletic man who kept himself in good shape. He often joked that he worked out constantly in preparation for this moment. He knew the day would come when a young man would come calling. that day had finally arrived. Jack's mind flooded with images. He smiled as he remembered the day he brought her home. No man had ever been happier or more proud. Now, in just the blink of an eye, young men had begun to come knocking.
At 6:59 the doorbell rang. It was Scott. He was right on time. Jack opened the door and greeted the young man, who had to wipe the sweat from his palms before shaking Jack's hand. "Come in," Jack said. There was more bass in his voice than usual. "Can I offer you something to drink?" Jack asked as he pointed to the chair across the room from his work station. "No thanks, I'm fine," Scott replied as he looked nervously at the assortment of firearms lying on the table in front of him.
Jack sat down, picked up his two-tone Kimber Custom .45 caliber semiautomatic pistol, and proceeded to field-strip and clean the weapon. As he ran his bore snake through the steel, matchgrade barrel, he asked Scott, "Do you have any idea how much she means to me?" Scott, mouth hanging wide open and eyes as wide as saucers, could only manage to nod his head. "Good," Jack continued. "I just want to make sure we're on the same page." Scott shook his head more vigorously. "Do you remember what time I told you to have her back?" "Yes, sir- 11:30," Scott blurted out, finally able to produce audible sounds. "Don't worry, sir. I'll take good care of her and get her back long before that."
Jack stood up, walked up the stairs and disappeared. Moments later he reappeared. This was the moment Jack had waited for. He could barely contain himself. Resolved that he had done everything he could do to impress upon this young man the importance of taking freat care and showing the utmost respect for his baby, Jack turned around, reached into his pocket, and handed the young man the keys to his brand new 6.5 liter, 12 cylinder All Wheel Drive, $354,000 Lamborghini Mucielago. "I want her back without as much as a scratch," he said as the young man started toward the garage.
Of course, the story above is completely absurd. Who, you ask, would give the keys to a brand-new Lamborghini Mucielago to a sixteen-year-old young man? Well, I have a better question. Who would be foolish enough to think their daughter was worth less than any car? It should be unthinkable for us to turn our daughters over to this young man as it is to contemplate giving him a depreciating piece of metal. However, we have come to prize sports cars much more highly than we do daughters these days.
I believe modern dating is no more than glorified divorce practice.
Young guys listen to me. There is no such thing as biblical dating. If you're dating, I don't care who you're dating, you're out of God's will. If you're a young man and you're dating, you're out of God's will. Period. You can come talk to me about it later, you can be mad if you want. But that's just the truth. There's no such thing as recreational dating. There is biblical courtship, there is no recreational dating. Number 1.
Number 2, guys ask me, 'When can I start thinking about someone of the opposite sex?' Well you can start thinking whenever the thought comes to you, the question is when you can start acting... When then can we start even courtship? I said, first of all, the only time you ever think about being with a girl is because you feel like the Lord is leading you into marriage with that girl.
Number 1, Recreational dating is unbiblical... Another thing. This is when you can first begin to initiate the dealings that lead to a relationship. This is when you can begin: When as a young man you can biblically lead a girl as a spiritual leader. Until that moment, you cannot be with anyone of the opposite sex.
Number 2. Emotionally you can care for her - that means you're willing to make a life-long commitment and not test the waters with any other person. Financially you can care for her: if dad's still paying the insurance on your car, forget about it.... And physically protect her - that doesn't mean you can whoop every guy in the county, but it does mean you will be whooped by every guy in the county before you allow anyone to pass, that you have enough moral fortitude and courage to draw a line in the sand and say, 'Over my cold, dead, blue, deformed body will you do that.'
...I love hunting and...I have some Wikki(sp?) Eskimo broad-heads at home. They're very, very sharp, they're two-bladed, so they have to be very, very sharp. And I have a little wrench that I use to put those broad-heads onto the arrow shaft, because you don't even want to put your hand on the side of them because if you slip, they'll slice your finger off. Now, I have a 3 year old boy and I built a hickory bow for him. He's got a little arrow that he shoots and it has a blunt, wooden tip on the end of it - wont penetrate much. Except his little brother's eye, but... Sometimes I'll be those arrow-heads off and on and my little boy Ian will come up there and he'll want to touch the arrows, and I'll say, No son, you can't. These arrows that your dad can handle - they'll kill you. Now one day, son, you'll be man enough to handle these arrows, and you can hunt like a big boy. You can hunt like a man. But you've got a lot of growing before you can do that. One of the greatest problems, young men, that we have today, is that a lot of young men are wanting to play with big boy toys. And yet they're still little boys.
You see, we don't want to pay the price of becoming a man in order to do men things. The bible says, Become a man, and God will lead you into the ways of a man.
-Paul Washer
"Mommy, you know what happens at twelve o'clock?"
"What happens?" I answered....
"That's when I start to grow, cause it'll be my birthday!"
Mommy was due to have you on January 29, 2002. That day came and passed and there was still no sign of you. On February 1st, Mommy and Auntie Erin went to a baby shower for Baby Denver who was born a few weeks earlier. We spoke for a very long time and didn't get home til 12:30am on February 2nd.
Mommy didn't think you would ever get here! Daddy was waiting for us when we got home after the baby shower. At 1:30am, Mommy went upstairs to brush her teeth. As she stood at the sink brushing her teeth, she had her first contraction!
Daddy was already asleep in bed, and Auntie Erin, Cosette and Mark were sleeping across the hall. Mommy started timing her contractions and they were already 5 minutes apart and it was barely 2:00am!
Mommy took a shower, woke up Daddy, and told Auntie Erin that we were going to go to the hospital! Mommy called Gramma and Grampa in Maine to tell them that you were on your way. Our son was finally coming!
We arrived at Sycamore Shoals Hospital at 3:30am. We were quickly admitted and Mommy was brought to her room. Her contractions were coming every 4-5 minutes and were starting to get painful. At first Mommy didn't want any kind of pain medications, but as time went on she changed her mind.
When the nurses checked Mommy, they told her she was 2cm dilated. Mommy and Daddy thought that it would go quickly, but they soon learned that you would take your time! By 11:30am, Mommy was still only 3cm. She decided to walk the halls for an hour to help things progress. After 45 minutes of walking, Mommy was in too much pain to continue. The nurses checked her again, and things had barely progressed! By this time, Mommy wanted drugs!
Around 4pm, Mommy had finally made it to 4cm and was able to get an epidural. But the Dr who was going to give it to her was busy, so she ended up waiting until 6pm. Mommy was very happy when the Dr finally arrived!
Auntie Erin, Cosette and Mark showed up around 7pm and Grammy and Grandpa Jordan were in the waiting room with them. Auntie Erin came to be with Mommy in her room. Mommy felt a lot better when there was no pain! The nurse decided to give her some pitocin to help you get here faster. By 9pm, Mommy was fully dilated and was ready to push!
Gramma and Grampa in Maine were on the phone while Mommy pushed so they could hear you arrive! Mommy pushed and pushed and at 10:03pm on February 2, 2002.....Nolan Donald Jordan was born!!! You weighed 6 pounds 11 ounces and measured 21 inches long!