Ever since my appt, I've been feeling more pressure, and I think the Dr woke my cervix up from hibernation.
I can just hear it now..."it's that time AGAIN?!?"
Her movements are different since I can tell she is much lower now...I'm thinking she is more engaged than she was at my appt.
I told John that I will keep assuming she will be early (wouldn't that be a surprise?) until she goes past my due date.
Yeah, I know my shirt doesn't cover me anymore, lol.

And look at the cute gift I received in the mail from a friend!
I am having the shirt problem too. I don't want to buy anything, but with 5 weeks left...I can't go naked! Here's hoping you go a bit early. I am ready to be done too. Baby is still sitting higher than my first two, I just about can't sit upright without much discomfort.
ohhh, i have that same sleeper with the elephant on it for hannah. we'll have to get them together in their matching outfits.
i feel like things have changed too since my appt on Thursday. Hopefully this Thursday the doctor will tell me i'm dilated a whole bunch more than 0, 2cm would make me happy.
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