When I found out that I was going to have a daughter, words could not contain my excitement! I never imagined that any ultrasound tech would ever say to me "It's a girl!"
My impatience to have you only got worse as your due date approached. I wondered if I would ever get to meet you.
When you decided to be 10 days late, I figured something needed to be done...so we forced you out. The eviction date was settled to be August 18th. Once things started, it didn't take much convincing to get you out!
From the moment I saw you, I was in love. There is nothing quite like that moment when the pain is over and there is a new life placed upon your chest.
A girl....I had a girl.
Your brothers were doting on you the very moment they met you. My heart was overflowing with the blessings that God chose to give me.
I love watching you grow and do new things. I love how your face lights up and you begin clapping and nodding, the moment you see me. I love how you follow me around the house and never let me forget that you are closeby. I love how you erupt in laughter when your brothers love on you and kiss you up.
You have started saying please when you want something. You say yes to me when I ask you a question. You cruise around the house, wanting to be like your big brothers.
Your hair curls around your ears in the most adorable way. You get so excited sometimes that your whole body shakes. You raise your arms to me in complete trust when you need something. Oh girlie, may your hugs and kisses never end.
I love you more than I can possible express. You are my little Paysie-girl. The daughter that I pray grows up in faith and Godliness. I promise to raise you up to be the woman that God has called you to be....and I guarantee that I will fail miserably. Just know that the Holy Spirit will lead you...and when mommy fails, God will never fail.
Remember that you are loved and prayed for daily.
Your Mommy
The day you were born....
Coming home from the hospital...
2 weeks old....
At your birthday party....
Happy Birthday to your Beautiful Paysie!
Oh my sweet sweet baby granddaughter! The baby girl I have been praying for since the day your daddy called me after the ultrasound and told me "Mom, it's a girl!" You will never know the excitement I felt when I heard those words. I already was blessed with one precious granddaughter and all these handsome grandsons and you were so very much wanted and loved. I look forward to watching you grow up into a beautiful young lady who loves Jesus with all her heart. And I am looking forward to tea parties and all the fun things that grammys get to do with their granddaughters. I love you Paysie!
How sweet! Happy Birthday Paysie!
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